Amin Kenya Safaris


1 Day Shimba Hills Tour

Depart early in the morning from your hotel at 06:00 am to Shimba hills National Reserves. Arrive at the gate and start game watch then  visit shedrack water falls escorted by a ranger, this is a nature walk in style. Shimba hills national reserve is a small park in the coast province ,It cover an  area of 220 km2 and gazetted in 1968.

The rerserve is an area of coastal rainforest ,woodland , grass land and tropical. It is an important area for plant biodiversity over 50% of the rare plants are found in Shimba hills, including some endangered species of cycad and orchids .It is  also a national important site for birds , Over(420 birds species) and butterflies. 

There are estimated to be approximately 700 elephants in the reserve, this population is un stainable high because–it couses significant damage to the vegetation threatening the endangered plant life. 
Conflict between human and elephants has also reach critical level. Other animal including :sable & Roan antelopes, Girraffes, Hertbeests, implalas, warthog, Columbus monkeys, Baboons, Buffalos and rare Leopards.

Drive to the shimba lodge for lunch .(The only tree top hotel in the coast) Watch the animal at the water hole or Shimba Hills Green Lodge facing the vast Mwaluganje sanctuary, Tsavo plains and in a clear view Mt Kilimanjaro can be observed, proceed on with the game drive after lunch and depart back to your beach Holiday hotel later on in the evening.

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